Next: Window Overlapping and Fragmentation
Up: Arena Class
Previous: Allocation
There are several primitive operations for the mapping. The Figure
3.8 shows the fundamentals of the mapping operations.
- The map()
- private operation is internally used for the mapping
and address conversion. The operation searches for the appropriate Window
for the object at the specified offset. If the search succeeds, it
converts the offset to the pointer to the Chunk. If the search
fails, it creates a new Window object for mapping and then converts
the offset. This operation is mainly implemented in the private operation
mapWindow(). The private operation map() invokes the
mapWindow() and the address conversion operation Window::map()
to convert the offset to the pointer.
- The grab()
- protected operation maps the object at the specified
offset and sets the grabbed flag of the object. The Window is not
unmapped during the object is grabbed.
- The release()
- protected operation clears the grabbed flag of
the object. The Window containing the object may be unmapped sooner
or later.
- The grabReadOnly()
- protected operation maps the object at the
specified offset and increments the counter for the read-only grabbings of
the object. The Window is not unmapped during the object is grabbed.
- The releaseReadOnly()
- protected operation decrements the counter
for the read-only grabbings of the object. The Window containing the
object may be unmapped if the counter is 0 and the grabbed flag is clear.
- The synchronize()
- protected operation synchronizes the
Window containing
the specified offset with the storage file. If the offset is not specified,
the operation synchronizes all the Windows in the Arena.
- The cleanUp()
- protected operation unmaps all or some of the
Windows in the Arena. It also synchronizes the Windows
before unmapping. This operation is invoked by the PersistentStorage
at the appropriate timings.
- The grow()
- operation stretches the storage file of the
by appending a new free block. The sizes of the topChunk and of the
arenaSize grow up. This operation is invoked by the
PersistentStorage when the topChunk is too small.
Next: Window Overlapping and Fragmentation
Up: Arena Class
Previous: Allocation
Mori Tetsuya /